It is four weeks ago today that my son was born and it is with a great deal of peace and relief that I write this letter to you. How lucky are we to be in America, in the 21st century, where an option like this even exists?
Well, I can tell you that eight months ago, I did not see the light at the end of the tunnel, nor could I fathom how I was going to handle this crisis pregnancy. When I was five months along, after a considerable amount of research, I came upon Adoption Planners’s website & knew immediately that this was a fit for me. Within 24 hours of contacting Adoption Planners, I had a FedEx of all the paperwork and a good understanding of the process from my case worker. That same week I received a package of profiles to look through and that is when I was finally able to breathe easy. Looking back at me were the faces and words of people with the honest desire to give my son what I could not.
Being the oldest of four myself, I am very aware of what the realities of raising a child entail. And I am certain that, at 26 years of age, I possess neither the financial nor the emotional stability to give my son the life that I want for him. That life comes from Isabel, his adoptive mom.
I cannot convey in written words the experience of reading Isabel’s profile, our first phone conversation, or our two day adventure that same week when she flew out to meet me. The connection between the two of us was instant and electric. Isabel is a citizen of the world, an artist and philanthropist and speaks seven languages. What more could a girl ask for?
With Love, Nicholle