Hello! I’m Marvin from Pasadena, California. I’m deeply appreciative of your time and the decision you are making. It is your love and bravery that will make it possible for one of my biggest dreams to come true. Thank you for your consideration!
I’ve spent the last few years focusing on and traveling for my career and I feel prepared to now shift my focus on becoming a parent. With all the love I have in me to give, I believe adoption will provide the best opportunity for me to manifest it. My hope is that the home I create will provide an environment for your child to thrive and inspire them to be caring, tolerant, and courageous.
Whether or not our paths will cross, I’m grateful for the chance to share a piece of my story with you. I understand the flurry of emotions running through your whole mind and body, but I hope that this profile offers you a closer glimpse of a loving parent and a home that is deserving of a family.