Why Birth Mothers Choose Adoption Planners - Placing a child for adoption is one of the hardest decisions that a birth mother can make. It is a selfless decision and the birth mother only wants what is best for them and for their child. In most cases, the birth mother wants someone who can assist them towards creating their adoption plan and someone who will give them all the help and support they need during this time. At Adoption Planners, we will not just help you in your decision making process, but we will also provide all… …Read More about Why Birth Mothers Choose Adoption Planners
Birth Mother Question: Will I have to cover any costs given that I don’t have insurance and I want to use my private doctor to deliver the baby? - Answer: No. In domestic adoption, a birth parent’s adoption-related expenses are almost always 100% covered. This includes the costs of being represented by your own attorney, counseling, adoption agency fees, medical expenses, prescriptions, travel to and from the doctor and any other pregnancy-related or adoption-related expenses. In addition, in a majority of states, birth mothers are able to receive pregnancy-related living expenses that include rent, food, utilities, and maternity clothing for the last trimester of the pregnancy and for 1-2 months following delivery. …Read More about Birth Mother Question: Will I have to cover any costs given that I don’t have insurance and I want to use my private doctor to deliver the baby?
Birth Mother Question: I was just wondering if you get any feedback from birth mothers a year or two after placement regarding their outlook on adoption and their decision to place? - As a birth mother who placed a baby through Adoption Planners, they asked by to answer this question. I have spoken with many birth mothers who have placed over the years through my support group on the Web The good news is that I am not aware of any birth mothers who regret their decision. I have talked with some who wished that they weren’t in the position they were in. Then again, I also have talked to women who have placed twice, who couldn’t be happier because there was… …Read More about Birth Mother Question: I was just wondering if you get any feedback from birth mothers a year or two after placement regarding their outlook on adoption and their decision to place?
Birth Mother Question: Can I receive financial assistance? - In a majority of states, the answer is yes. Most states allow for an adoptive parent to pay for a birth mother’s basic living expenses for the last trimester of the pregnancy and two to eight weeks after the birth of the baby. Living expenses have to be necessary and reasonable and usually cover rent, utilities, food, transportation and maternity clothes. The law permits this because a birth mother in her last trimester of pregnancy is not likely able to work and therefore is considered to be temporarily “disabled.” During… …Read More about Birth Mother Question: Can I receive financial assistance?
Birth Mother Question: I am about to go into labor in the next few weeks. Can you explain the adoption process at the hospital? - If you go into labor and have not yet selected a family, don’t worry. Together we can create an adoption plan in a matter of hours. We have wonderful families that are ready to go on a moment’s notice. The key thing to know is that you can still chose a great family and the baby will not be without adoptive parents. It is never too late to create an adoption plan that meets all of your expectations and requirements. If you have selected a family prior to going into… …Read More about Birth Mother Question: I am about to go into labor in the next few weeks. Can you explain the adoption process at the hospital?
Am I able to receive counseling before and/or after placement? - Yes. You can see a counselor of your choice or we can refer a counselor to you. Counseling is available to you both before and after placement. Also, your case worker is always available to help you through this process. Feel free to be open and candid with her as she is able to provide you with advice and support both before and after placement. …Read More about Am I able to receive counseling before and/or after placement?
I am 4 months pregnant and like a family on your site. I don’t have medical insurance and am wondering who pays for the medical costs in adoption? - All women who are pregnant are entitled to free medical insurance. It is most commonly referred to as Medicaid but has different names in different states. You are entitled to Medicaid whether you decide to place the baby for adoption or parent. We can assist you with applying for Medicaid and ensure that you get your coverage. If, for any reason, you are not eligible, then we would have the adoptive parents set up an trust fund through our office to cover all expenses. This can be co-pays, deductibles or… …Read More about I am 4 months pregnant and like a family on your site. I don’t have medical insurance and am wondering who pays for the medical costs in adoption?
Are birth mothers able to receive counseling during the adoption process? - Yes. A birth mother can see a counselor of her choice or we can refer a counselor to her. Also, her case worker is working very closely with her and is able to provide her advice and support both before and after the placement. …Read More about Are birth mothers able to receive counseling during the adoption process?
Birth Mother Question: I am currently matched with a family. Do you have any suggestions on how to make delivery day easier? - As a birth mother who placed a baby through Adoption Planners. Choosing adoption is a difficult decision and everyone deals with it differently. There are quite a few things I did before I gave birth that helped me make the transition from giving birth to life after birth a little easier. Here are a few things I did that really helped me heal: I thought of the baby I was carrying as the adoptive parent’s baby. I chose adoption at 13 weeks of pregnancy and thought it best if I… …Read More about Birth Mother Question: I am currently matched with a family. Do you have any suggestions on how to make delivery day easier?
I am in need of housing for the rest of my pregnancy but do not want to stay where I am. What are my options? - The good news is that the vast majority of states permit a birth mother to receive no-cost housing set up through our program. We can work with any landlord or management company across the country so you are not limited specific housing arrangements or any particular city or state. You can select the apartment that is right for you or utilize our case workers to help you find a place. Every adoption plan is different. You can reach us 24/7 at . One of our case workers would be happy… …Read More about I am in need of housing for the rest of my pregnancy but do not want to stay where I am. What are my options?