The adoption process can be a difficult choice to make and sometimes a confusing road to navigate. At Adoption Planners, we try to make things easier for birth mothers by providing them with 24/7 access to an experienced case worker or birth mother advocate. If you are a birth mother who is considering adoption or wants to learn more, our case workers are here to help you every step of the way.
Case workers are responsible for helping birth mothers through each stage of the adoption, from providing information about various options including adoption, to assistance after the birth and lifelong post-placement support. Every program is different, but at Adoption Planners you have the flexibility to make whatever type of adoption plan feels right for you. You can choose the family, how much contact you’d like before and after the birth, how you’d like your hospital delivery plan to go, and anything else that is important to you. A case worker will work with you to make sure all details are arranged and everything with the adoption goes smoothly.
For example, a common question that many birth mothers have is whether they will be able to receive financial assistance during pregnancy or after the birth. Case workers can explain what pregnancy-related support the birth mother qualifies for when it comes to expenses such as rent, food, utilities, transportation, maternity clothes, counseling, medical bills, etc.
Perhaps the most important aspect of the adoption process is finding the perfect adoptive family for your baby and your situation. The case workers are dedicated to ensuring smooth and successful placements for both parties involved with adoption. To do so, the case worker will ask you for some information and if you have any preferences or requirements when it comes to choosing the adoptive family. From there, she will present you with all the different adoptive family profiles who fit your criteria. At Adoption Planners, birth mothers have the option to choose from many of qualified, prescreened families before speaking with them before deciding to move forward with the match.
After a birth mother chooses the right adoptive parent(s), the case worker will help make sure communication is open and that no miscommunications occur. Having a case worker as your advocate allows birth parents and adoptive parents time to build a solid relationship around the things that matter, instead of worrying about logistics or having to broach uncomfortable topics that you may not know how to bring up. Adoption Planners case workers are he to help the everyone in the adoption process establish a healthy relationship of trust and compassion.
As the due date approaches, the case worker and birth mother can begin to devise a birth plan. This consists of what type of delivery procedures, which hospital, and who will be a part of the birth. The case worker coordinates many of these aspects in conjunction with the birth mother and adoptive family to make sure everyone understands what they should expect when the day comes.
Even after the birth and official adoption takes place, case workers follow up with birth mothers and adoptive families to make sure everything is running smoothly. This can include setting up counseling for birth mothers, helping exchange pictures and letters after the birth, and much more.
Though these are the primary responsibilities of an Adoption Planners caseworker, their job entails much more! They ensure that the birth mother is safe and at ease throughout the process and help her with any additional aspects of adoption that she may be unsure about. At Adoption Planners, our case workers strive to make your experience as seamless as possible. If you have any questions regarding the process, feel free reach out to us or call us at 877-903-7526.