Placing a child for adoption is one of the hardest decisions that a birth mother can make. It is a selfless decision and the birth mother only wants what is best for them and for their child. In most cases, the birth mother wants someone who can assist them towards creating their adoption plan and …Read More about Why Birth Mothers Choose Adoption Planners
Child for Adoption
Birth Mother Question: Can I receive financial assistance?
In a majority of states, the answer is yes. Most states allow for an adoptive parent to pay for a birth mother’s basic living expenses for the last trimester of the pregnancy and two to eight weeks after the birth of the baby. Living expenses have to be necessary and reasonable and usually cover rent, …Read More about Birth Mother Question: Can I receive financial assistance?
A New Look on Adoption: A Birthmother’s View…
It was four years ago that I ended my nine-month journey towards adoption and headed into the land full of women called birthmothers. Before that time, I did not fully understand the journey of adoption or what I was getting into as a “birthmother.” Through my journey, I learned that when the circumstances are right, …Read More about A New Look on Adoption: A Birthmother’s View…